More kayaking this weekend
We are delighted to offer kayaking sessions at Aghada Pier tomorrow, Saturday 16.9.17 starting at 3pm. Get in touch with us as this will...

Wipe-Out, the addition to the ECO Island
Will you be able to stay on to the end? This is so much fun and you should visit us to see for yourself . Check out the video and let us...

Our first Summer Camp finished today
What a week, camp 1 finished today and it was a great success. We added a few new attractions this year such as Archery Tag, a new piece...

Second August Camp Just Added
Due to popular demand we added a second August camp with the following dates : 28th, 29th and 30th August Don't miss out on the chance,...

Summer Camps are booked out
We have had a phenomenal response to our camps so far, resulting in the July and the first August camps being booked out. We would like...

“Be Smart in the Sun" this Bank Holiday
As the great weather is set to continue we would like to remind you to “Be Smart in the Sun”. We recommend that you make yourself aware...

Cork Harbour Festival presents a carnival of maritime culture this June 4-12!
The festival programme features the Ocean to City, Harbour Open Day and a whole week of events. The festival highlights the importance of...

Easter Camp
We had great fun with the lads and lassies at our easter camp last week. Have a look at some of the photos below to see what we got up...

Happy New Year
Happy new year to all our customers new and old. We hope you had a great Christmas. We were delighted to see many of you joined us for...